Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BBC News - Drinking water before meals helps dieting, says study

Drinking water before meals may be a way to lower calorie intake.

From the BBC:

"A previous study found that middle-aged and older people who drank two glasses of water before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during that meal.
Professor Brenda Davy, senior author of the study, from Virginia Tech, said it was the first randomised controlled trial looking at water consumption and dieting.
She said the reason water may be so effective is because it fills up the stomach with a liquid that has no calories.
"People should drink more water and less sugary, high-calorie drinks. It's a simple way to facilitate weight management," Professor Davy said."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Study Finds Even a Little Cigarette Smoke Harms Airway - US News and World Report

Study Finds Even a Little Cigarette Smoke Harms Airway - US News and World Report:
"according to a new study that finds even low levels of smoke exposure can cause irreparable damage...

The damage occurred among 'casual' smokers and even after exposure to secondhand smoke. The initial damage, while not usually severe, can be cumulative and prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke could lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and even lung cancer, the researchers reported.
and later

"The bottom line: "There is no level of cigarette smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke that does not make the cells in your lungs sick," he said. "If you are an occasional smoker you are still at risk. Don't think that smoking one or two cigarettes a week means you are home free."

The study was based on urine tests and examination of genes looking for DNA damage.

Friday, August 20, 2010

BBC News - Green leafy veg 'may cut diabetes risk'

BBC News - Green leafy veg 'may cut diabetes risk':
"A diet rich in green leafy vegetables may reduce the risk of developing diabetes, UK research says.

In an analysis of six studies into fruit and vegetable intake, only food including spinach and cabbage was found to have a significant positive effect.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moose Offer Trail of Clues on Arthritis -

Moose Offer Trail of Clues on Arthritis -
"The arthritic Bullwinkles got that way because of poor nutrition early in life, an extraordinary 50-year research project has discovered. That could mean, scientists say, that some people’s arthritis can be linked in part to nutritional deficits, in the womb and possibly throughout childhood.

The moose conclusion bolsters a small but growing body of research connecting early development to chronic conditions like osteoarthritis..."
Fascinating! And stresses importance of diet THROUGHOUT life.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

BBC News - Fit heart can slow brain ageing, US researchers say

BBC News - Fit heart can slow brain ageing, US researchers say:

Need another reason to get more exercise? Here you go:

"A Boston University team found healthy people with sluggish hearts that pumped out less blood had 'older' brains on scans than others."
Note:  I got this from the BBC and as they do over in England, added an "e" to the spelling of aging.  
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Obesity Tops 30% in Nine States, Triple 2007 Total, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Obesity Tops 30% in Nine States, Triple 2007 Total, U.S. Says - Bloomberg:
"The U.S. is losing the battle of the bulge.

No state in the nation met this year’s targets for reducing obesity, and the number of states reporting an obesity rate of 30 percent or more has tripled, to nine, since 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report today. About 75 million Americans now are considered obese, the Atlanta-based CDC said."