Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Inadvertent new recipe: cold oatmeal

Oatmeal with BlueberriesImage by TheCulinaryGeek via FlickrInadvertent new recipe: cold oatmeal

Sometimes the best findings are not by a planned strategy, but by mistake.  Such was my finding that cold oatmeal is REALLY good!

I was rushing out the other day to work with BonaResponds (who is in need of local volunteers over break with all of the students gone, but that is another story) and just made some oatmeal.  But I got sidetracked and was going to be even later than normal to meet so I threw the already made oatmeal into the refrigerator.   When I came back in the evening I was starving, so I tried the oatmeal.  It was excellent!  So good in fact I have made it a couple of times since.

Hint add raisins and a bit of extra water!

Extra hint: add chia seeds if you have them!  


  • You can make it ahead.
  • Good for you.
  • Have for a snack throughout the day.
  • Tastes wonderful!
  • Cheap

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