Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Sugary Soft Drinks Fuel Obesity, Diabetes Rates, Study Says "Diabetes was 80 percent more likely to develop in women who drank one can a day than in those who shunned the drinks" So says a study that appeared in the August 25th Journal of the American Medical Association.

While this is popular with the Soft Drink Industry who is claiming the "study's conclusions were not scientifically sound and that the focus should be on the unhealthy lifestyles and weight gain that can lead to diabetes not soft drinks."

While there is some truth in the soft drink industry's claim that it is the obesity, not the soft drink that is the problem, the study does confirm what many have known for years: that excess sugar consumption is bad for you. As the Washington Times reports " The study in JAMA is at least the second this year to link the increased consumption of high-fructose corn syrup to the rapid rise in obesity in this country. High-fructose corn syrup is found in almost all non-diet soft drinks and most fruit drinks"
Washington Times

So rather than have that pop/softdrink or sugary fruit punch, why not have 100% fruit juice (OJ, Grape Juice, grapefruit juice), water, or tea. In the long run you will be glad you did!

Washington Times

For the softdrink Industry's view: Yahoo

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