Friday, November 28, 2008

Women Smokers Lose 14.5 Years Off Life Span -

Women Smokers Lose 14.5 Years Off Life Span -

"...smoking takes an average of 14.5 years off women's lives, almost one in five American women age 18 and older smokes.

'The damaging effects of smoking on women are extensive, well-documented, and can be observed from the cradle to the premature grave,' Dr. Sharon Phelan said in an organization news release. She helped develop ACOG's smoking cessation materials for health care providers.

'Smoking is a harmful habit that negatively affects nearly every organ in the body. There's just no good reason not to quit,' she said."
Please do me two favors: 1. Quit. 2. Next time you are in the Park and Shops, ask the manager to quit selling tobacco. Better yet, call the main office and tell them the same.

My new year's resolution is to have it out of at least one of our stores by this time next year.

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