Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The History of Tea

The Legendary Origins of Tea

"According to legend, Shen Nung, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist and patron of the arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a distant region of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. In accordance with his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from the near by bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown liquid was infused into the water. As a scientist, the Emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some, and found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend, tea was created."

Wondering about the different kind of teas? Stash Tea has a nice description of the types and varieties of tea. Did you know?
One tea bush will produce tea for at least 50 years. There are other interesting facts as well.

They'll even tell you how to brew the perfect cup of tea!


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