Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Did you know?

A little tidbit I stumbled upon when reading on the history of Jelly from Jelly.org.

"A grape jam patent was first issued to Paul Welch in 1917 for the puréeing of grapes. He called the product “Grapelade.” The entire production was purchased by the U.S. Army and shipped to France for consumption by the troops during World War I. When the troops returned to the States after the war, they demanded more of this “Grapelade,” and it was produced in quantity."
Want one more? Ok, well this is interesting as I am quite the outlier:
"The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by high school graduation."
I bet you that I average 10 peanut butter sandwiches PER WEEK. So 1500 seems very low to me. Of course, throw in zero steaks, zero turkey sandwiches, zero subs, etc and I guess that explains the difference. (It's Peanut Butter-Jelly Time!)

There is quite a bit more on Jelly, Jams, and Preserves to know---including the differences between jellies, james, butters etc.

Check it out at Jelly.org

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