Wednesday, April 20, 2005

BBC NEWS | Health | Processed meat cancer risk link

Yes we sell them, but....please do not eat too many hotdogs!

BBC NEWS | Health | Processed meat cancer risk link: "Dr Ute Nothlings, of the Cancer Research Center at the University of Hawaii, who led the research, said: 'The results suggest that carcinogenic substances related to meat preparation, rather than their inherent fat or cholesterol content, might be responsible for the association.'

Dr Nothlings said the increased cancer risk from processed meat could be due to the chemical reactions that occur during the preparation of processed meats.

They said such reactions could produce carcinogenic chemicals such as heterocyclic amines or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Professor Tim Key, Deputy Director of Cancer Research UK's Epidemiology Unit, said the study provided an 'interesting perspective' into a possible association between processed meat and pancreatic cancer.

But he added: 'The weight of research has yet to verify a definite link between the two."

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