Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Green Tea May Curb Prostate Cancer in Men at Risk

Wow, it was quite the day for teas!

Yahoo! News - Green Tea May Curb Prostate Cancer in Men at Risk: "The investigator performed a trial involving men with high-grade PIN, who were given an inactive placebo preparation or one containing 600 milligrams of GTCs daily, 'equivalent to 12-15 cups of green tea infusion, that is about two times the average intake in Asian countries.'

Bettuzzi reported that, after a year, only 1 man among 32 in the GTC group developed prostate cancer, a rate of only 3 percent. In contrast, 9 out of 30 men treated with placebo developed prostate cancer, for the expected rate of 30 percent."

Bettuzzi is Dr. Saverio Bettuzzi from the University of Parma in Italy. The story is from Reuters Health.

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