Finding Coupons Online Has Increased to Stretch Grocery Budgets -
"Last month, Kroger Co. said it would go national with its free text-messaging coupon program, a service provided by Cellfire Inc.You can do the same. We use Twitter for this. Sign up for twitter, then "follow" us (click on follow), be sure to turn your device (your cell phone/blackberry etc) on (under settings) and stay tuned :)
Dan Keefe, who works for a technology firm in Cincinnati, signed up for Cellfire last fall. Now every Sunday, Mr. Keefe, 46 years old, checks his BlackBerry for deals, such as the 50-cent discount on a package of Kroger-brand cheddar cheese he recently received. Clicking on a link in the text message tells Kroger's computer system to add the discount when Mr. Keefe's loyalty card is scanned at check-out."