Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scientists Discover Why A Low GI Meal Makes You Feel Full

Scientists Discover Why A Low GI Meal Makes You Feel Full:
"GI is a ranking assigned to carbohydrates according to their effect on the body’s blood sugar levels. A low GI meal takes longer to digest and releases sugar into the bloodstream more slowly than a high GI meal. High GI foods include white bread, croissants and cornflakes, whereas granary bread, milk and most fruit and vegetables are all classed as low GI foods.

A low GI diet is known to cause reduced appetite(1) but the mechanisms behind this have so far remained unknown"
Until now!

Researchers fed some a low GI meal and others a high GI meal and then measured the results:
"Blood samples were then taken every 30 minutes for 150 minutes, and levels of the gut hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and insulin measured. GLP-1 is a hormone produced by the gut that has been shown to cause a feeling of fullness and suppression of appetite(2). Volunteers who ate a low GI breakfast had 20% higher blood plasma levels of GLP-1...and 38% lower levels of insulin ...compared to those who had consumed a high GI breakfast."

Want more on the Glycemic index? Here are some blog articles going all the way back to 2004

Gee had forgotten how long I had been doing this :(.

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