Monday, December 20, 2004

So are Poinsettias toxic for cats or not?

Yes we sell poinsettias. So I felt obliged to check out the often told story that poinsettias are toxic to cats.

The truth is that the poinsettias are probably not poisonous, but will irritate the cat's stomach and force it to vomit:

From the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture:
"Poinsettias irritate cats' and dogs' mouths and digestive systems. Holly and mistletoe are actually poisonous, and might drop berries (the most toxic part of the plant) on the floor even if the plants themselves are out of reach."
Additional sites that hold that poinsettias are not toxic (although possibly bad tasting and irritating include:
The GreenwoodNursery:

The myth: Poinsettias are toxic.The reality: They're not.
The origin of this misinformation apparently dates back to 1919 when the death of an army officer's two-year-old child was wrongly attributed to the ingestion of Poinsettia leaves. Since then, according to web sites such as the myth of the poisonous Poinsettia has continued to spread.
A 50 lb child would have to eat 1.25 lbs of Poinsettia bracts (about 500 to 600 leaves) to exceed the experimental doses reported by the POISINDEX Information Service. Poisindex is the reference used by most poison control centers. You can read the full story at a web site that tracks urban legends here: and there is a direct link from this column archived under "The Plant Man" heading at my web site,

The Cat Fanciers Association:

*Poinsettias are generally over-rated in toxicity. If ingested, poinsettias can be irritating to the mouth and stomach, and may cause mild vomiting or nausea.

*Mistletoe has the potential to cause cardiovascular problems. However, mistletoe ingestion usually only causes gastrointestinal upset.

*Holly ingestion could cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and lethargy

Pet care professionals are largely in agreement. The American Society for Prevention of cruelty to Animals and the Sequoiahumane Society each share the view that "the potential toxicity of poinsettias is generally overstated, these showy holiday plants can irritate your pet's mouth, and may cause nausea and/or mild vomiting."

I am convinced, but that said, the other side of the argument also has its supporters and in the interest fair journalism: says that at least for Bengal Cats (cool picture!)
"certain plants, such as poinsettias, can be fatal for your cat, as can the water at the bottom of your Christmas tree."

So while I may not buy poinsettias, I am convinced they are not going to kill any cats. :)


Anonymous said...

Fine that you say they are not poisonous. My cat ate a few leaves last week and now she is deathly sick. She has been vomiting up reddish orange puke and diarrhea and she is very week. I don't know what other people define as poisonous but my cat is very sick. So I don’t know what extensive tests have really been done, but take it from my first hand knowledge, keep them away from kids and animals.

Anonymous said...

I know a person whose cat died from eating a poinsetta.

Anonymous said...

I knew someone who bought a poinsettia and woke up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice with a note that told him to call 911 because his kidneys had been removed!

Anonymous said...

what does buying a poinsetta have to do with a man lying in a bathtub full of ice,because his kidneys were removed?