Thursday, December 30, 2004

Yahoo! News - Study: Fast Food Contributes to Obesity

Need another reason to eat at home and not at fast food restaurants? A new study published in Lancet now shows that Fast food contributes to obesity and maybe diabetes. (now there is a shock!)

Yahoo! News - Study: Fast Food Contributes to Obesity:
"A new study gives scientific clout to a conclusion many already see as obvious: Eating lots of fast food makes you fat and increases the chance of developing diabetes. A study published in the Lancet medical journal this week found those who frequently ate fast food gained 10 pounds more than those who did so less often, and were more than twice as likely to develop an insulin disorder linked to diabetes. "

A more indepth look at the study is also available from Minnesota Public Radio.

So add "eat at home more" to your New Year's resolutions!

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