Monday, June 08, 2009

Fortified Foods | LIVESTRONG.COM

Livestrong (yeah the Lance Armstrong people) have a good article on food.

Fortified Foods | LIVESTRONG.COM: "
"The International Food Information Council Foundation did a survey of 1,000 adults and found that about 83 percent of them want to learn more about healthy food options beyond those discussed in the food pyramid. So you are not alone, in fact half of Americans are trying to incorporate the good omega 3 fatty acids in their diet and three quarters are passing up white bread in favor of whole and multi-grain options. Fortified foods may make some of these healthy foods more appealing to the American consumer, but they must know that choosing healthy whole food options is still the best option."

Which begs the question, why is it the food pyramid or whatever government guideline in vogue always seem so behind the times? And yet people still eat worse than even these guidelines.

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