Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Semen Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet

Add this to the anti-oxidant debate.

Semen Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet:
"Low antioxidant intake is associated with low reproductive capacity in semen. This is the finding of a new study carried out in two infertility centres in Spain (in Alicante and Murcia) and which has been published online in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

'Our previous research study, published in March, showed that men who eat large amounts of meat and full fat dairy products have lower seminal quality than those who eat more fruit, vegetables and reduced fat dairy products. In this study, we have found that people who consume more fruits and vegetables are ingesting more antioxidants, and this is the important point', Jaime Mendiola, lead author of the article and a researcher at the University of Murcia, tells SINC."

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